Here’s Late-Night’s Take on the Latest Russia Investigation Update

Comedy News late night
Here’s Late-Night’s Take on the Latest Russia Investigation Update

Late-night hosts Seth Meyers and Stephen Colbert took to the teleprompters in response to the investigations surrounding President Trump’s alleged involvement with the Russian government.

Following former FBI director James Comey’s firing, counterintelligence investigators considered whether the president’s actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Colbert laments, “Remember when it was only possible that the president was a threat to national security?”

In their dissections of the basis for the investigation, both hosts highlight Trump’s recent phone interview with Fox News personality Judge Jeanine.

With a scoff, Judge Jeanine asks Trump if he has ever worked for Russia as a way to prompt his defense. Trump begins his nearly two-minute response with, “I think it’s the most insulting thing I’ve ever been asked.”

Both hosts then note that Trump somehow avoided the word “no” in his entire declaration of innocence. The divisive answer given by the president is what Meyers compares to responding to your wife accusing you of sleeping with another woman and responding to the president’s alternative to “no” instead, while Colbert capitalized on the opportunity and responded to the president’s answer with, “You don’t wanna try a ‘no?’ Or perhaps even a ‘nyet?’”

In his “A Closer Look” segment, Meyers highlights the peculiarity of the situation with a breathless recital of the Trump administration’s interactions with Russia, ending the lengthy docket with “Vladimir Putin’s smile every time he sees Trump.”

Colbert balances the severity of the accusations by cheering himself up with cut-in clips of impressive gymnastic routines. The bit certainly aids with deterring from the reality that the president is withholding the content of his meetings with Putin from his own staff, and that he has “met five times with the dictator of a hostile foreign government.” However, Colbert reassures his audibly anxious crowd that there’s no need to worry about Trump’s secret illicit activities with the foreign government. After all, “There is nothing secret about it.”

Watch Meyers’ and Colbert’s segments below.

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