Blizzard Will Wrap Up Overwatch Anniversary Event With Double XP Weekend

Blizzard Will Wrap Up Overwatch Anniversary Event With Double XP Weekend

It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year since Blizzard unleashed Overwatch upon the gaming world. And even after 365+ days of blowing away colorful cartoon characters as monkeys and dwarves, the game still feels fresh. That’s why we’re so excited that Blizzard will conclude the game’s anniversary event with a double experience weekend.

Almost every source of in-game experience is covered, including:

– Time spent in a match
– Completing a match
– Completing consecutive matches
– Winning a match
– Backfilling a match in progress
– Earning medals

Whether you’re a long-time veteran—or a delicate newbie who can hardly tell a Winston from a D.Va—this is an opportunity to take advantage of. Even if you haven’t played the game at all, now is a great time to play, given the ability to level up twice as quickly as one would otherwise.

The event will take place from June 8-12. So grab your trusty pulse pistols, and get out there.

For our look back at Overwatch’s first year, click here.

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