Jennifer Hall

Daytrotter Session - Jul 18, 2012

Jennifer Hall – Daytrotter Session – Jul 18, 2012
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  1. Welcome to Daytrotter
  2. To Be Close To You
  3. Like I Lie To You
  4. I Want Somebody Badly
  5. My House Is Falling

Jennifer Hall worries me. Oh, she’s great, she’s great, she’s great. She seems like she’s one of those girls who might like fishing and football. She cusses a whole hell of a lot. There’s nothing not to like there. She’s feisty and she’s playful and she’s pretty, but she’s still worrisome, or should be to anyone who might be making the same observations about her, thinking that all of those things add up to the total package.

In her songs, the Chicago-based singer and songwriter writes about love from the sense of its psychotic and still very real side. She writes about it in a way that makes it seem like one long scrolling monologue that keeps perpetuating itself, with the one in doubt going stir crazy putting together all of the possible scenarios of how it’s going to go down, why it’s going down like that and what’s going to happen next, once all of the carnage is cleaned up.

“To Be Close To You” is a song that’s pitiful in all of the right ways. It’s a song about yearning and wanting. It’s about craving and it’s about a lusty need for someone else. Hall sings about skinning someone alive – or being willing to do such a thing – just to be close to someone else. She sings about either giving away or selling some of her insides, just to be close to someone. Now, that’s all very intense, but it’s what the woman wants. Wildly, these sentiments, which rage in places, are given something of a soul treatment when left in her hands. They feel like they are testimonies coming from a person who can’t help themselves. She sings on “Like I Lie To You,” “Delusions are always fun/Just how long can we indulge in this one?/Fuck me up won’t you like/Like I lie to you/Let’s go on pretending/Fuck the truth/It’s so very hard to believe/When when what they say is true/Sing to me empty words, like I lie to you.” Drawn naturally to the theater of love, she’s to have an eye kept on her at all times.

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