Study Shows Millennials Aren’t Interested in Buying the Next iPhone

A recent study published by leading mobile shopping app and site platform, Branding Brand, found that 78 percent of consumers from the Millennial, Generation X and Baby Boomer generations are happy with their current device and are not compelled to buy the next iPhone.

The study surveyed 1,041 loyal Apple iPhone users in the United States and ultimately found that the consumers are not excited about a 4-inch iPhone, which is expected to go on sale following Apple’s announcement later this month.

Branding Brand launched the study to see how receptive current iPhone owners are to Apple’s upcoming release—as Apple previously stated at their investor meeting in January that their iPhone customer loyalty is twice as strong as that of Android customers.

Studies also show that 60 percent of Millennials and Generation X currently own an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus model. In general, it is likely that the youngest generations of iPhone users are more likely to own the latest devices. But, the survey conducted by Branding Brand shows that 88 percent of the people who own these devices are not interested in the rumored 4-inch phone.

“Millennials like to save money but will spend on quality,” said Chris Mason, CEO of Branding Brand. “With the latest product rollout, many are wondering if Apple is making a step backward, but the company is likely expanding market share to potential consumers wanting to either switch or upgrade.”

The report also found that, of those surveyed ages 55-65+, 55 percent of participants said they owned an iPhone 5s or older. It appears that those of the Baby Boomer age are most likely the target consumer for Apple’s new device, as 42 percent of respondents to the survey who own an iPhone 4s or older are willing to trade in their device for a 4-inch iPhone.

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