20 Great Rosés Under $20

At some point, rosé managed to position itself as the wine of summer. If you’re new to buying the wine, it’s easy to overspend on a bottle that isn’t so great or buy something at a decent price point that doesn’t live up to its price tag.
So, what are the best rosés out there?
Around this time last year, our resident wine enthusiast Amy rounded up 50 of her favorites under $25, which is a great place to start looking for your new fave.
This year, Vivino sent us a list of 20 wines they consider to be some of the best out there based on how their 30 million users have rated the wines. In order to qualify for the list, a wine had to get at least 50 ratings, although it’s number 1 has received high marks from 1145 total drinkers (so it’s probably a winner).
Here’s a rundown of their top 20 rosé’s under $20: