Articles by Hollis Gillespie
- comedy The Ugly American: 8 Comedians to Catch In Atlanta By Hollis Gillespie December 29, 2015 | 8:00am
- travel The Ugly American: My Kid's Favorite, Awful Roller-Coaster Accidents By Hollis Gillespie December 3, 2015 | 11:45am
- travel The Ugly American: Unconscious Babies Make Nice Neck Pillows and Other Holiday Travel Trips By Hollis Gillespie November 25, 2015 | 10:00am
- travel The Ugly American: Why We Should Still Travel to Paris By Hollis Gillespie November 18, 2015 | 12:00pm
- travel The Ugly American: What Not to Say When Your Kid Comes Out as Gender Fluid By Hollis Gillespie November 9, 2015 | 10:35am
- travel The Ugly American: 10 Movies that Ruin Travel for the Rest of Us By Hollis Gillespie November 2, 2015 | 10:35am
- travel The Ugly American (Halloween Edition): The Body Under Your Hotel Bed By Hollis Gillespie October 26, 2015 | 9:07am
- travel The Ugly American: 3 Reasons the Mile-High Club is Disgusting and Kris Jenner is an Idiot By Hollis Gillespie October 16, 2015 | 9:00am
- travel The Ugly American--Halloween Edition: 3 Scariest Countries in Order of their Serial Killer Situations By Hollis Gillespie October 9, 2015 | 9:07am
- travel The Ugly American: The 5 Best Cocktails According to How Crazy I Behave While Drunk on Them By Hollis Gillespie October 2, 2015 | 9:00am
- travel The Ugly American: 10 Reasons Fat Flight Attendants Are Better By Hollis Gillespie September 25, 2015 | 9:00am
- travel The Ugly American: How to Kill Your Local Coffee House (and the World in General) By Hollis Gillespie September 18, 2015 | 9:02am
- travel The Ugly American: Sleep Around and 4 Other Essential Tips for Traveling Solo By Hollis Gillespie September 11, 2015 | 9:00am
- travel The Ugly American: 3 Foreign Medical Emergencies (Mis)Handled By Hollis Gillespie September 4, 2015 | 9:00am
- travel The Ugly American: That Time My Kid Broke Her Foot While Crossing the Equator By Hollis Gillespie August 28, 2015 | 9:00am
- travel The Ugly American: 4 Travel-Toilet Catastrophes By Hollis Gillespie August 14, 2015 | 9:00am
- travel The Ugly American: Field Guide to the 5 Foreign Foods I Warned You About By Hollis Gillespie August 7, 2015 | 9:07am
- travel The Ugly American: 4 Vacation Places I Should Hate but Love Anyway By Hollis Gillespie July 31, 2015 | 9:07am
- travel The Ugly American: How to Win a Travel-Writing Competition, You Idiots By Hollis Gillespie July 26, 2015 | 1:00pm