Exclusive Cover Reveal: Marked by Jenny Martin

When you read the cover copy for Jenny Martin’s novel Tracked, the premise is impossible to resist. A Young Adult sci-fi thriller along the lines of The Fast & the Furious, but set on another planet? Yes. Please.

Jenny Martin’s series introduces readers to Phoebe Van Zant, a teen girl tearing up the streets of a planet almost entirely controlled by large corporations. Her father was a legendary street racer, and despite the fact that he mysteriously vanished, she’s still hitting the roads with her ragtag crew.

When one of the biggest corporations on the planet threaten to slam the brakes on her life, however, she has no choice but to race for them…and get caught up in political and interplanetary intrigue—as well as a love triangle. The result is one of our favorite YA reads this year, and now we’ve got the exclusive cover reveal of the second book in the series, Marked.


Marked hits bookstores next year on May 17th from Dial Books.

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