The Funniest Oscars Tweets of 2018

Comedy Lists Oscars
The Funniest Oscars Tweets of 2018

Hollywood did some Oscars again tonight, and all the movies you either loved or hated won every award. Here’s the list! Definitely a lot of movies this year, some of which won some awards, both ones that were deserved and undeserved. It was an Oscars kinda show!

As the night slowly rolled into the next morning, and Jimmy Kimmel appeared on screen less and less frequently (he almost kinda disappeared after marching some stars into a movie theater across the street from the Oscars, where Gal Gadot and Margot Robbie gave the common folks Milk Duds, and Armie Hammer and Ansel Elgort pelted them with hot dogs), the importance of two crucial Oscars aids grew more apparent. Those are booze and Twitter, of course. The best drinks of the 2018 Oscars included bourbon and spicy ginger ale, Creature Comforts’ Koko Buni milk porter, and Pabst Blue Ribbon (the Eva Marie Saint of this year’s selection of Oscar drinks). The best tweets—and by best we mean funniest, as we are a comedy section, concerned pretty much exclusively with comedy and the people who make it and the business that has grown around it—are in a tidy little list below. Go ahead, scroll through ‘em, and relive the endless awards show that you were desperate to immediately forget. The jokes are good. You don’t even need any PBRs to enjoy ‘em.

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