Animal Crossing Halloween Update Brings Pumpkins, Costumes, And More

Animal Crossing Halloween Update Brings Pumpkins, Costumes, And More

If you’ve been on your Animal Crossing: New Horizons island recently, you probably have noticed the place is looking a little more autumnal. Leaves are turning orange, a breeze occupies the air and acorns are falling from trees. But the season has just begun, and Nintendo announced on Friday that the second fall update is heading to Animal Crossing: New Horizons on Sept. 30 with DIY projects, festivities and a host of spooky content to liven the mood.

“For players that have yet to create their personal island paradise in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, now is a great time to get started,” said Nick Chavez, Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “Players who enjoyed their islands during the spring and summer will find new ways to play when they experience the new festive activities that fall has to offer.”

Among the new activities is the ability to grow pumpkins. Pumpkin seeds can be purchased from Leif year-round or from Nook’s Cranny during October. Fully grown pumpkins can be used to craft new fall-themed DIY recipes.

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Halloween is just around the corner, so it’s time to start planning your costume. The Able Sisters are stocking new costumes during October. Body paint, eye contacts and other accessories will also be available to spice up your Halloween look. Of course, your villagers will also be sporting their scariest costumes on Halloween night.

Starting at 5 p.m. on Oct. 31, your villagers will gather in the fully decorated plaza for Halloween festivities. Jack, the “czar of Halloween” will be present, and giving the pumpkin-wearing person lollipops and candy will earn you Halloween rewards. Be mindful of your candy stock—your neighbors are also going to want some candy and may pull off a prank if you can’t deliver the goods.

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Revisiting dreams will get a whole lot easier too. A list system will be implemented for easier access to your favorite islands. The NookLink smartphone app is updating too, allowing players to use the app to perform reactions in the game.

For those who missed their chance at a Nintendo Switch—Animal Crossing: New Horizons Edition, you’re in luck. Nintendo is bringing back the limited edition console complete with pastel Joy-Cons and off-white Dock to participating retailers. Nintendo is advising potential buyers to check with their local retailers for availability.

Fans of amiibo cards also have a chance of getting the cards at their suggested retail price—no nook miles required. Animal Crossing amiibo Cards Series 1-4 are returning to store shelves this November and allow players to invite specific villagers to their island.

After the Sept. 30 update, Nintendo plans on bringing the next update to the game sometime in November, with more information to come. If you’ve been putting off getting back into Animal Crossing: New Horizons, there’s still a few days to get your island back into shape for the spooky season.

Nicolas Perez is an editorial intern at Paste and opinion co-editor for New University. He’s rambling on Twitter @Nic_Perez_.

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