E3 2016 Celebrates the Year’s Best Videogame Art with Into the Pixel
Images via Into the PixelInto the Pixel is an annual exhibition of videogame art in Los Angeles put on by the Entertainment Software Association, which also organizes E3. A panel of jurors have selected 14 pieces of game art for inclusion in this year’s exhibition. The chosen pieces are from a diverse selection of games, including The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Unravel and
Guild Wars 2, “Dwarven Valley” by Daniel Dociu
Rush Blast, “A Mother’s Imperative” by Chris Chamberlain, Tommy Kinnerup and Esben Rasmussen
Dishonored 2, “Corvo” by Sergei Kolesov
Headlander, “The Satellite Chalet” by Derek Brand
Dreadnought, “Corvette in Hangar” by Yuriy Mazurkin and Mathias Wiese
League of Legends, “Lunar Revel” by the League Art Team
Far Cry Primal, “Takkar Face” by Patrick Lambert
Unravel, “Tire Swing” by Martin Sahlin, Dick Adolfsson, Henrik Söder, Mikael Kainulainen and Leif Holm
ReCore, “Dungeon Concept” by Todd Keller and Kip Carbone
Song of the Deep, “Merryn’s Leviathan” by Sing Ji
Edge of Nowhere, “Cliff Walk” by Dave Guertin
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, “Geralt and Ciri” by Bartlomiej Gawel
Layers of Fear, “Red Riding Hood” by Pawel Kot
No Man’s Sky, “Eclipse” by Kuldar Leement