EA Donates $1 Million to Fight Online Bullying

EA Donates $1 Million to Fight Online Bullying

EA is donating $1 million to three nonprofits fighting against online bullying as part of its fourth annual Play to Give campaign.

Players can lend a hand by donating to the United Nations’ HeForShe campaign, PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center and Ditch the Label before Play to Give ends on June 9.

EA will also host its first Building Healthy Communities Summit this week to continue the discussion on online toxicity and bullying while helping build a more positive gaming community. The summit, which will be in Hollywood, Calif., on June 7, features speakers including What’s Good Games podcast hots Andrea Rene and Ditch the Label CEO Liam Hacket, EA chief marketing officer Chris Bruzzo told Variety in an interview.

“As we create games for hundreds of millions of players around the world, it’s very important to us that players feel like they can engage and enjoy the experience without fear of threats or harassment,” Bruzzo told Variety.

EA also partnered with HeForShe, PACER and Ditch the Label for 2018’s Play to Give campaign. Last year’s Play to Give led to 30,000 new pledges for the HeForShe campaign, as well as a 500% increase in website traffic during Play to Give week. The initiative also likely led to 1.4 million new visits to PACER’s National Bullying Prevent Center’s websites.

Scroll down to check out EA’s video announcing Play to Give’s impacts in 2018.

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