Hades Is Now on PlayStation and Xbox Consoles

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Hades Is Now on PlayStation and Xbox Consoles

Hades, our favorite game of 2020, and probably the most critically acclaimed game of the last couple of years, has finally arrived on the PlayStation and the Xbox. The former PC and Switch exclusive is available today for the Xbox Series X|S, the Xbox One, and the PlayStation 4 and 5.

If you haven’t played Hades yet, let me point you towards the various articles we’ve written about it here at Paste. Supergiant’s mythological rogue-like combines an addictive play loop that has a legitimate sense of progress with some of the best written and most memorable videogame characters in years. When you die (which happens a lot) you’ll want to restart not just to hack and slash some more monsters, but to see what the various residents of Hades’ palace will say next, or to see the next developments in your relationships with the Olympians who regularly offer boons. It’s a mechanically rich game that’s satisfying to play both physically and mentally, and then on top of that it has one of the most smartly developed worlds and cast of characters in recent memory.

Look, Hades is good. If you haven’t had a chance to play it before, now you don’t really have an excuse. It’s on every major console and PC now. Maybe give it a shot, already.

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