Life is Strange 2 Gets Official Reveal Trailer, First Details
Images via DontNod Entertainment/YouTube
After much anticipation, Life is Strange 2 was finally revealed in an official trailer.
In contrast to the first Life is Strange, which starred two young women who lived in the small town of Arcadia Bay, this game will focus on two brothers named Sean and Daniel Diaz who live in Seattle, Wash. Judging by the trailer, a tragedy that strikes the brothers leads to Sean developing a superpower, similar to the first season’s protagonist. It also looks like the game won’t be shying away from once again tackling heavy topics, seeming to broach themes such as family, loss and police brutality.
In a post on the official Life is Strange Tumblr blog, the developers expand on the game’s plot:
The main characters of Life is Strange 2 are brothers Sean (16) and Daniel Diaz (9), two brothers living a fairly normal life in Seattle, Washington state. Following a tragic event, their lives are forever changed. Now on the run from the police and threatened with both separation and incarceration, Sean decides to take his younger brother and seek a better life in their family’s home town of Puerto Lobos, Mexico.
Life on the road is tough and dangerous. The brothers will face all manner of challenges as they bravely undertake a journey that will test the bonds of brotherhood. Playing as Sean, you will need to make the kind of tough choices you can expect from a Life is Strange game, and you will need to live with the consequences of your actions. The game will this time focus on brotherhood alongside the need to guide and educate your younger brother whilst simultaneously coming of age yourself. As with previous games in the series, Life is Strange 2 will tackle a host of issues that all of us can identify with and that will cause moral dilemmas and require much soul searching. These themes come together most powerfully in the way Daniel will develop depending on the lessons you teach him and the role model you decide to be.
We are also really excited to confirm that Life is Strange 2 will feature a new power. What it is and how it relates to the brothers is something you will discover in due course!
According to the blog post, DONTNOD Entertainment will show off gameplay in the coming days at Gamescom. Gamescom attendees will be able to play the opening scene at the Square Enix booth on the show floor. The developers encourage players to play The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, a prequel to Life is Strange 2 that was released for free on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One earlier this summer.
The first of five episodes for Life is Strange 2 will release on Sept. 27. Be sure to watch the official reveal trailer below.