Watch Jimmy Fallon Play the Nintendo Switch, Shigeru Miyamoto Jam with The Roots

Watch Jimmy Fallon Play the Nintendo Switch, Shigeru Miyamoto Jam with The Roots

Nintendo was on the The Tonight Show last night to show off Super Mario Run … or so they said. It turns out they snuck a Nintendo Switch into the studio and Jimmy Fallon got to play some The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and really Jimmy Fallon it up.

Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime helped Jimmy through a level of Super Mario Run while Jimmy shouted how freaked out he was over and over, and then Reggie revealed the Zelda demo on the Switch. The bit does feel a little awkward as Reggie tries to give an E3-style presentation while Jimmy forces his enthusiasm up to 11. It’s a short segment, so we don’t see much of the actual game, but the two did show off how the Switch seamlessly switches from the TV to the handheld screen.

While Mario and Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto didn’t present anything, he was on hand to give us a great new reaction .GIF with his encouraging thumbs-up, and to jam with The Roots. Miyamoto took up an acoustic guitar with the band as they played the classic theme music from Super Mario Bros.

Super Mario Run is out on iOS devices on Dec. 15, but you’ll be able to play a demo if you go into an Apple Store anytime before that. The Nintendo Switch isn’t out until March, but we’re going to be getting another look at it on Jan. 12. Watch Jimmy scream his way through the Switch demo above and watch Miyamoto’s jam sesh with The Roots below.

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