No Man’s Sky Comes to Xbox One With Sizable Update This Summer

No Man’s Sky Comes to Xbox One With Sizable Update This Summer

Hello Games’ space-exploration sim No Man’s Sky is finally making its way to Xbox One, ending an almost two-year exclusivity period with PlayStation, and it’s not coming empty-handed. Creator Sean Murray announced that the game’s Xbox One release will coincide with the launch of No Man’s Sky’s latest update, “NEXT.”

The long odyssey of No Man’s Sky has continued to develop underneath the surface of the mainstream gaming zeitgeist. The initial excitement the game inspired has waned heavily in the years since its release, but those still engaging with it have been rewarded with multiple updates that added a number of new systems, built out the story and established a foundation for online multiplayer.

“NEXT” will continue that trend, though no details about what the update will add to the game have yet been announced. It is significant enough to garner its own logo, though, so it should include large additions to the more fleshed-out world the game now sports. “It’s our largest update so far, and we’re working our socks off,” said Murray.

No Man’s Sky arrives on Xbox One this summer, and the “NEXT” update will be available for all platforms at the same time.

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