Get Schwifty with These Terrifying Rick and Morty GTA V Mods

Get Schwifty with These Terrifying Rick and Morty GTA V Mods

While we wait for Rick and Morty’s return later this summer, we’re basically taking anything that will tide us over until the next season, such as a hybrid spinoff series starring Lawyer Morty. Now, our newest Rick and Morty-themed distraction comes in the form of a Grand Theft Auto V mod, which shows how desperate we are. But still, these are both pretty fun.

In fact, it’s not far off from a the insanity of an actual Rick and Morty episode, y’know, what with all the blood, bullets, Ricks and Mortys. There’s even a kind of recreation of the devastation to multiple Ricks from “The Rickshank Redemption” that’s especially great. Also, you can watch as the increasingly apocalyptic Mr. Meeseeks take to the streets with an arsenal of weapons. What fun! Really, it’s pretty terrifying. These characters have never looked more lifeless than they do here.

Rick and Morty season three returns this summer. Check out the Rick fight embedded above, and the Mr. Meeseeks army below. Also, if that isn’t enough to hold you over, take a glance at some Rick and Morty fan art here.

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