South Park: The Fractured but Whole Gets New Trailer and Official Release Date
Image via Ubisoft
While yesterday Ubisoft confirmed a release window for the hilariously titled South Park: The Fractured but Whole, today they gave us specific date. The follow-up to 2014’s fantastic South Park: The Stick of Truth, will hit store shelves on Oct. 17. This comes as a massive relief for fans who have been subjected to numerous false starts and delays. Hopefully this time, Ubisoft will hold to their release date. Our hearts can only take but so much.
Ubisoft paired the announcement with a brand-new trailer for the game. The trailer unabashedly embraces the sort of low-brow potty humor that’s made South Park such an enduring success. The jokes fly quickly and irreverently throughout the clip, nailing the show’s tone perfectly by beginning with a flurry of fart jokes. Evidently some sort of tiny, farting luchador named “The Farting Vigilante” is terrorizing the town, as narrated by a hairy male reporter in a bikini and several of the town’s denizens. The primary villain appears to be Butters in a medieval knight’s helmet, however. The RPG elements that made the original such a success appear to be wholly intact, and several new powers are on prominent display in several quick, quirky battle scenes. Naturally, the trailer ends with an emphatic pronunciation of the game’s title, in case the thinly veiled pun was lost on anybody.
For those looking for an irreverent, turn-based RPG based on a popular cartoon, this may be your best option. Everything points to this game meeting—and possibly exceeding—the high mark established by its funny and solidly built predecessor.
Read our review of South Park: The Stick of Truth here, and watch the Fractured but Whole trailer above.