StarCraft Remastered Comes to PC and Mac This August

StarCraft Remastered Comes to PC and Mac This August

Blizzard’s original RTS StarCraft is making a 2017 comeback. On Aug. 14, you can catch the original game and its Brood Wars expansion with enhanced audio, 4K HD graphics, and new matchmaking and leaderboard systems.

The beloved battle triangle between the Terrans, Protoss and Zerg returns this fall after 20 years, with options to play in the revamped remastered version or the original 1998 version. In addition to its graphical and sound updates, the remastered version also includes cloud saves, hotkeys and replays for every insane victory you painstakingly worked for.

This remaster is also fully compatible with the vanilla game and expansion, so if your pals don’t want to get the upgrade but still want to duke it out, you won’t have problems hopping online and forcing them into submission. GG!

StarCraft Remastered is available for preorder right now on the Blizzard store for $14.99. Preorders will include three building skins: the Char Hive, the Korhal Command Center and the Aiur Nexus. And, in addition to that StarCraft Remastered swag, there’s some for StarCraft II as well: the Alexei Stukov co-op commander and three new portraits.

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