How to Find the New Items in Zelda: Breath of the Wild‘s New DLC

The first of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s DLC packs has finally dropped, and with it comes a bunch of new armor pieces and items to help spice up your adventures across Hyrule. Finding these lucrative new items items is no easy feat however, as each piece of DLC treasure has been scattered across the wilds with nothing more than a series of vague clues to point you in the right direction. Fortunately, we’ve already scoured the land and found every piece waiting to be discovered.
Paste has created separate guides for all of the major new items in the DLC, many of which will be very familiar to long-time Zelda fans. Here’s a link to all of our guides so far. And if you’re looking for Tingle’s outfit, we’ll have those tips for you soon.
How to find the Travel Medallion
How to find the Korok Mask
How to find Majora’s Mask
How to find Midna’s Helmet
How to find the Phantom Armor
How to find Tingle’s Outfit