“Thoughts and Prayers,” A New Online Game, Lets You Stop Mass Shootings From the Comfort of Your Couch

Many politicians (and they’re not alone) are well-known for offering “thoughts and prayers” in the aftermath of America’s mass shootings. This, they seem to think, is sufficient in lieu of actual change—the kind of legislative action that never happens, thanks to the influence of powerful lobbyists like the NRA.

In real life, these “thoughts and prayers” don’t seem to have any effect on the rate of horrific violence. If anything, the problem seems to be getting worse. But what about the digital world? Mike Lacher, founder of The GOP Arcade—a site that makes satirical games based on right-wing behavior—has released a brilliant new minigame called Thoughts and Prayers: The Game.

Anyone can play: By simply pressing “T” for “thoughts” and “P” for “prayers,” you try to end the epidemic of gun violence in America. At the end of a 30-second count, you can see firsthand how many lives your thoughts and prayers saved. There’s also an option to ban assault weapons, but it never quite seems to work; pressing the “B” brings up messages about the NRA, anti-Americanism, and a lack of Congressional support. Back to thoughts and prayers for you!

In the end—spoiler alert—you won’t save any lives, but hey, furiously hammering your keyboard is just as effective as anything Congress is doing, so why not give it a whirl? Play the brilliant new game here.

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