Pride and Glory

Release Date: Oct. 24
Director: Gavin O’Connor
Writers: Joe Carnahan, Gavin O’Connor, Greg O’Connor, Robert Hopes
Cinematographer: Declan Quinn
Starring: Edward Norton, Colin Farrell, Jon Voight, Noah Emmerich, Jennifer Ehle
Studio/Running Time: New Line Cinema, 125 mins.
Too often in Hollywood, New York City cops are either glamorized for their superhuman efforts or demonized for their corruption. In big city police story Pride and Glory, neither moniker fits, and probably with good reason. Writer/director Gavin O’Connor and his brother, writer/producer Greg O’Connor, are sons of an NYC cop. Their personal knowledge inspired this beautifully intense story of good cops, all related, all burdened with the responsibilities of serving the citizens, but each dealing with his own version of what makes a cop “good.”
When four police are ambushed and killed in what appears to be an attempted drug bust, the chief of detectives (Jon Voight) persuades his son Ray (Ed Norton) to lead a task-force investigation. As he pursues the lead suspect, we see Ray’s brother-in-law Jimmy (Colin Farrell) and his fellow cops destroying evidence and trying, unofficially, to get to the suspect first. The film contains many gray areas and “What would you do?” moments. Farrell is superb as the seemingly confident and under-control cop and family man. But when things begin to unravel, and the criminals are stepping onto the doorstep of his suburban family’s home, the fear and anger and confusion on Farrell’s face is palpable. Norton’s definitive style sells his own character’s torn confusion between doing what’s right for his family and what’s right for his fellow men in blue. Noah Emmerich is also good as Ray’s older brother and the station chief who may or may not be involved with Jimmy’s cover-up. Jennifer Ehle gives a small but outstanding performance as Franny’s wife who has terminal cancer.
The cops in Pride and Glory are real, and except for the violent gunplay and occasional drug use (requisites for every stereotypical New York cop flick), they live regular, complicated lives just like everyone else. And it’s a pleasure to see that other side.