Reptile Youth

Daytrotter Session - Apr 5, 2014

Reptile Youth – Daytrotter Session – Apr 5, 2014
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  1. Welcome to Daytrotter
  2. Structures
  3. Two Hearts
  4. All of the Noise
  5. Rivers That Run

Reptile Youth tend to create stories that are filled with absolute value for good and evil filled in, but the scratchings and notes of just where it all came from, just who all was to blame and who’s going to help clean up any of these messes all remains to be seen. There’s going to be a lot of finger-pointing, but none of it’s expected to lead anywhere.
The characters in these songs are going to work themselves red in the face, calling out the hypocrites and others like them, but they’re bound to work themselves tirelessly and furiously to a resolution that might or might not resemble the resolution they think they should be handed. Reptile Youth songs seem to focus on the right and the wrong, the good and the bad, but what they usually conclude is that there isn’t much difference and the lights are going to color the night as such that you’re barely going to be able to tell.

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