Henry Rollins and Danzig Embrace Suburban Bliss in Henry & Glenn Forever & Ever, Now on comiXology

What happens when the cat-loving, fist-throwing harbinger of hardcore nestles in with the intellectual face of blistering ‘80s punk? Neck massages, bill bickering and the occasional hang session with satanic Hall & Oates, apparently. Tom Neely’s Henry & Glenn Forever is a blisteringly funny lampoon of rock posturing and suburban malaise that simultaneously worships and neuters its idols. Those characters—parodies of Misfits frontman Glenn Danzig and Black Flag icon Henry Rollins—offer as much entertainment as their flesh and blood inspiration, albeit in far different ways. The pair is now a sitcom-safe couple experiencing the finer points of living and loving, like Full House with more power chords.

Neely began publishing Henry & Glenn Forever before tackling the seafaring brawls of Popeye and gonzo simian gang wars of The Humans. Today, comiXology is offering the full 2014 collection of Henry & Glenn Forever & Ever, a four-issue sequel that also includes art and pinups from Ed Luce, Igloo Tornado, Jim Rugg, Nate Powell and Benjamin Marra. Check out a preview below.






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