The Funniest Tweets about the 2021 Grammys
Photo courtesy of Getty Images
There was a Grammys last night. Yeah, the Grammys still exist. They still claim to be “music’s biggest night,” which is just so adorable of them. We all should dream big!
It seems like the big news out of last night is that Beyoncé won her 28th Grammy, so she’s only two more away from a Royal Rumble’s worth of those little statues. Maybe she can borrow a couple from her husband? I assume he’s won a Grammy or two. I guess go look that up, if you feel like it!
I really have nothing else to add here. The Grammys are about as meaningless as awards get, about as relevant as the Golden Globes and maybe a half-step above whatever that collection of commercials framed as a videogame awards show is currently known as. A lot of people watched the show, though, hopefully just for the musical performances, or because they had a job that forced them to. Fortunately some of those who watched at least made some pretty funny tweets about it, so let’s take a quick look at those. Here are the funniest tweets about the 2021 Grammys, from a bunch of tweeters that you should all go follow right this very second.
silk sonic making that smooth “cheat while your man is over in vietnam” retro music
— Desus Nice (@desusnice) March 15, 2021
Is it true that Bruno Mars sleeps in a little matchbox with a leaf as a friend
— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) March 15, 2021
It was fun watching the Grammys and hearing thirty percent of lyrics to WAP
— Billy Domineau (Top 1.7% Kohls Rewards) (@BillyDomineau) March 15, 2021
Can’t believe Cicero swept the Latin Grammys again this year.
— Jeremy Woodcock (@jwPencilAndPad) March 15, 2021
When the music goes on too long at the Grammys they cut it off with a boring speech of a sound mixer thanking his family.
— Zach Broussard (@ZachBroussard) March 15, 2021
gotta yell “28 grammys bro” the way yankee fans do for rings
— Desus Nice (@desusnice) March 15, 2021
You’d think the music they use to cut your speech short at the Grammys would be better
— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) March 15, 2021
i am wondering if someone has done this yet
— Sophie Kemp (@sophiefkemp) March 15, 2021
Every year my brain is happy to forget the Grammys exist and every year I log onto this website and discover how many people don’t feel the same way.
— Spooké Lucé (@LTBcomedy) March 15, 2021
“Post Malone” is how I refer to Ted Danson’s career after CHEERS.
— Steven Hyden (@Steven_Hyden) March 15, 2021
watching the Grammys with my daughter and we’re explaining the old people acts and young people acts to one another is great
— Saladin Ahmed (@saladinahmed) March 15, 2021
Not sure what makes me feel older. Realizing I don’t know half the performers on the #GRAMMYs or my level of disappointment that they’re preempting 60 Minutes.
— Danny Zuker (@DannyZuker) March 15, 2021
I’m watching the Grammys the awards for using good grammar
— Karen Kilgariff (@KarenKilgariff) March 15, 2021
If you’re mad about the Grammy results, remember that Grammys are meaningless. They once gave Album of the Year to Adolf Hitler. This isn’t true, but it feels true.
— pixelatedboat aka “mr tweets” (@pixelatedboat) March 15, 2021
black excellence is having enough grammys for every day of black history month wow beyonce’s mind!!!!!!
— ziwe (@ziwe) March 15, 2021
Chaka Khan is to the Grammys what James Spader is to the Emmys, in that whenever they win one, you think “good for them”, until you realize this is their umpteenth award and then you think, “great for them”.
— Stimmy James, Macho Business Warrior (@thomasdkeiser) March 15, 2021
Grammys vibe so far: celebrity-filled showcase showdown on The Price Is Right
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) March 15, 2021
At least Fiona Apple won Best Alternative Album, which is like album of the year for people with clinical depression.
— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) March 14, 2021
jason derulo nervously looking at an elevator out of order sign at the grammys thinking “what’s the worst that could happen”
— Desus Nice (@desusnice) March 14, 2021
haha it’s crazy what happened at the grammys
— man it’s a hot zone, (@Mobute) March 15, 2021