Jimmy Fallon and Nicole Kidman Have Another Painfully Awkward Interview

Jimmy Fallon and Nicole Kidman Have Another Painfully Awkward Interview

Jimmy Fallon really blew it with Nicole Kidman—you probably already knew that. The interview the pair did last year went viral after Kidman revealed that she had once tried to date Fallon, much to The Tonight Show host’s confusion.

Well, turns out it happened again, this time at David Fincher’s house. Of course, Kidman notes that this wasn’t the recent past. “Brad and Jen were still together, so this was a long time ago,” she explains in a language we all understand. Kidman was once again disappointed when Fallon didn’t ask for her number, and Fallon was once again confused by everything he heard.

Fallon and Kidman also do a bit based around their strange past, and have a series of palpably awkward interactions. Of course, things worked out for the best. Fallon is happily married now, and Kidman has a beau of her own in the form of Keith Urban, who managed to sneak into The Tonight Show studio and hijack Fallon’s interview. Fallon wasn’t embarrassed at all.

Check out the full interview above to see how awkward two people can really be.

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