Get a Look at How Earth C-137 is Coping After the Events of Rick and Morty Season Two

Get a Look at How Earth C-137 is Coping After the Events of Rick and Morty Season Two

When we last left Rick and Morty (or when Rick and Morty last left us, because we would never leave), Earth C-137 was invaded by the Galactic Federation and Rick was imprisoned for his many atrocities against the Federation. Now, while we all wait with laboriously bated breath for any sliver of news for season three, we can get a look into what’s been happening on Earth C-137 since the Federation’s arrival.

From a press release:

Tired of waiting for updates on Rick and Morty Season 3? Visit for a peek behind the scenes at how Earth C-137 is coping with the events of the Season 2 finale. With Rick imprisoned, and Earth inducted into the Galactic Federation, the rest of the earthbound characters are faced with a huge culture shock. Sign up now for MyFederation Rewards (Mandatory For All Humans!) and no, we don’t have a premiere date yet.

This is a glorious thing. After perusing around the site, one can find Blurtfeed articles like “Lifehack: How to Catch All of Earth’s Hottest Diseases” or Klaargworthy videos celebrating interspecies relations. Don’t forget Ingest’s instructional video on how to make Hu’Aaaig sliders, an utter delicacy that doesn’t grow on Earth. And please, for the love of Birdperson, stop appropriating Pizarian culture for your own pizza-enjoyment. To quote Pepo Blimblom, Director of the Galactic Association for the Advancement of Pizza People:

You see red pepper flakes, I see archaic torture devices meant to burn Pizarian bodies. You see a pizza cutter, I see a deadly weapon that ripped families apart during the largest act of terror in our modern history. You see stuffed crust, I see the bloated, disgusting reminder of our obesity epidemic.

So yeah, brush up on your Galactic social justice and viral videos before Rick and Morty season three, whenever that happens, and check out sneak peeks from the new season here and here, plus a whole bunch of Rick and Morty-inspired art here.

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