Beer and Ice Cream Together At Last

On a hot summer day, beer is the adult equivalent of ice cream -that cold refreshing treat you can’t wait to taste. Both beer and ice cream are rewards after a day at the beach and mainstays at barbecues and ball games. Although they are both summer staples, for some bizarre reason, we rarely indulge in both at the same time… until now.

New Belgium Brewing Co. made news this spring when it announced plans to team up with Ben and Jerry’s to release an ice cream-inspired beer, Salted Caramel Brownie Brown Ale. New Belgium is describing the beer as, “a brown ale laden with chocolaty, salted-caramel, vanilla goodness.” While you will have to until fall to try their new brew, there are several breweries teaming up with ice cream makers to make beer-infused ice cream that you can enjoy now.


Victory Brewing Co. has created five ice creams using wort—the liquid extracted from the mashing process during brewing. Wort is naturally sweet and non-alcoholic, giving these ice creams that familiar beer flavor without the alcoholic buzz. There are five flavors to choose from: Triple Monkey features the wort from Golden Monkey, a Belgian-styled tripel, and infuses the ice cream with banana flavors and pecans. Storm Drop uses the wort from Storm King Imperial Stout and adds chocolate drops. Belgian Brûlée merges crème brûlée with the wort from V Twelve, a Belgian strong ale, and adds brown sugar and salted almonds.
Hopped-Up Devil uses the wort from HopDevil IPA and adds cinnamon and cayenne. Strawberry Love contains the wort from Summer Love, its golden ale, and adds strawberries and a hint of vanilla.


Sweet Action Ice Cream in Denver, home of the Great American Beer Festival, has teamed up with two local breweries -Great Divide Brewing Co. and Breckenridge Brewery – to make some tasty beer-flavored ice creams. Their first beer ice cream was Vanilla Porter made with Breckenridge’s Vanilla Porter. Sweet Action is also making a variety of ice creams from Great Divide’s creamy Yeti Imperial Stout. Flavors include Coffee Yeti Stout, Chocolate Yeti Butterscotch, Chocolate Yeti Boysenberry Swirl and Chocolate Yeti Butterfinger.

McConnell’s Fine Ice Creams in Santa Barbara, California, is partnering with Figueroa Mountain Brewing Co. in Buellton, Calif., to create Davy Brown Ale ice cream, which features chunks of salted butter brittle that compliment Davy Brown Ale’s chocolate, coffee and caramel flavors.


What could be better than two summer classics like beer and ice cream coming together? Bottoms and cones up!

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