Bungie Lays Out Long List of Improvements Planned for Destiny 2

Games News Destiny 2
Bungie Lays Out Long List of Improvements Planned for Destiny 2

Destiny 2 hasn’t had the best go of things lately. From the discovery of endgame XP discrepencies to the pressuring players to spend more money in-game through Eververse purchases, Bungie has a lot to work on in 2018 to stabilize and satiate the game’s community.

In a blog post teased earlier in the week, Destiny 2 game director Christopher Barrett unveiled the developer’s plan of attack to improve the game, address fans’ issues and keep players engaged.

On the subject of the over-reliance on Eververse purchases, Barrett said, “We recognize that the scales are tipped too far towards Tess at the moment … Eververse was never intended to be a substitute for end game content and rewards.” The developer plans to offer more control over items they can purchase available through Eververse, in addition to offering Eververse-exclusive items as rewards for other in-game activities. They also state a desire to implement a “gameplay path” to earn Bright Engrams, which could allow players access to Eververe items without spending any actual money at all.

Addressing the slowing of XP accumulation and the perceived attempt by Bungie to hide the act, Barrett expressed a desire to fix the problem and remove any obstructions to how XP is earned. “Our goal with any updates to XP are transparency and consistent XP gain regardless of your preferred activity,” said Barrett. While the team hasn’t determined a permanent fix just yet, they are continuing to “investigate other angles” and promise to “continue to update you as we move forward.”

Some other changes promised by Barrett include the return of six-vs-six multiplayer as a separate mode in The Crucible, the implementation of Destiny: Rise of Iron’s strike scoring system into Nightfall, reworked armor and weapon mods, and the return of Raid-specific rewards that will make them “more unique and interesting.”

Players will also finally be able to equip multiple emotes, as well.

All of the listed updates and additions are slated for implementation throughout spring 2018, starting in January.

Bungie needs to win back a lot of the Destiny 2 community, and they are hoping that this massive, well-detailed update is the first step in establishing a more transparent and stable relationship with the players, who want to feel heard and respected. Barrett reinforces this point in the closing of the blog: “We’ll be talking to you more directly, and more often, as promised … It’s critical to our ability to continually improve Destiny, so thank you!”

Find Bungie’s full blog post here.

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