BioWare Tells Us to Wait for Dragon Age 4 and New Mass Effect
Dragon Age 4 is “in the middle of development while Mass Effect is “prototyping”

Breaking their silence, Canadian based developer BioWare released a blog post on the state of their upcoming games within their much acclaimed Dragon Age and Mass Effect series.
Studio General Manager Gary McKay enthusiastically states that Dragon Age 4 is “in the middle of production.” This means that while the game has yet to hit an alpha state for testing, its conceptual and technical blueprints are complete. McKay mentions these blueprints were finalized last year, meaning the team is now undergoing production to build out their vision: “creating amazing environments, deep characters, strong gameplay, impactful writing, emotional cinematics – and much more.”
McKay also bids farewell to former Executive Producer Christian Daley before reintroducing many BioWare veterans as leaders within the development process. He promises more updates about Dragon Age 4’s development through blog posts and social content throughout the year. VentureBeats’ Jeff Grubb reported that it’s in good shape and may hit a late 2023 release.
The post ends with a brief update on the highly anticipated new entry in the Mass Effect franchise. The yet untitled entry is undergoing prototyping—a pre-production process—led by Mike Gamble. The game is not coming out anytime soon.
Dragon Age 4 was announced all the way back in 2018, going quiet for two years until a new cinematic trailer was released in 2020. BioWare teased the new Mass Effect game back in November 2020 with a teaser trailer.