Kirby’s Feet Are a Nightmare I Will Never Be Able To Unsee

Kirby’s Feet Are a Nightmare I Will Never Be Able To Unsee

I’m what you call a feet hater. I’ve been known to unfollow friends on Facebook for posting pictures of their bare feet and one time, some dude wore sandals around me so I smashed an ice cream cone on his bare toes. I don’t know what it is, they’re just gross, and you should keep them to yourself please, thanks.

So when it comes to this Kirby comic that has been making the rounds the past day or so, I’m seeing red. Red shoes, that should be on Kirby’s feet, that are NOT on his feet, and now this, THIS, is what I have to look at. It’s horrifying.

The original artist is French and I only speak English, so I have no way to ask her, “WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?” I imagine the answer translates loosely to, “because I enjoy your suffering.”

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