New Overwatch Animated Short Recounts Mei’s Emotional Backstory
Images via BlizzardOverwatch players may find Heroes like Bastion and Mei annoying on the battlefield. One fact is undeniable, though: they are adorable characters. Bastion had his moment with the animated short, “The Last Bastion; Now it’s Mei’s time to rise and shine, and you’d have to have an ice-cold heart to not be touched by this short movie.
The short shows how Mei came to be the Overwatch hero we know and love (or hate, if you’re the one being frozen and icicle’d by her). As the last survivor on Ecopoint: Antarctica, Mei and her trusty sidekick Snowball have to figure out a way out of there, to pass on potentially life-saving data. It’s vaguely reminiscent of The Martian or (a less creepy version of) Passengers. Perhaps this short will make you think twice before you shotgun a Mei to death as Reaper? Probably not.
We won’t spoil too many details, so you can watch the 10-minute video yourself (embedded above). Overwatch is available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.