Swery65’s The Good Life Reaches Crowdfunding Goal on Kickstarter

Swery65’s The Good Life Reaches Crowdfunding Goal on Kickstarter

It came down to the wire, but the Kickstarter campaign for Deadly Premonition creator Swery65’s “debt repayment daily life RPG” The Good Life reached its crowdfunding goal on Wednesday.

The game’s future didn’t always look so rosy. The Kickstarter campaign was the second, and possibly last, attempt to fund The Good Life after it failed to secure funding on fellow crowdfunding site Fig. Swery’s retooled crowdfunding campaign went live on March 28, struggling out of the gate. The campaign had raised only half of its $620,000 goal by the end of April, but fans came out in droves over the past few days, pushing the campaign over its goal with just over two days to go. Swery himself was asleep when his game crossed its funding threshold, but he offered thanks once he saw the news.

With the goal met, Swery and his collaborating partner, Panzer Dragoon creator Yukio Futatsugi, are now focusing on hitting the campaign’s stretch goal of $800,000, which would bring the game to the Nintendo Switch. The campaign currently sits just south of $670,000 with just over a day to go, though the final push is sure to push that total higher before the final bell rings.

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