Corey Taylor Tells Chad Kroeger to Shut Up
Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty
For some reason, Nickelback’s lead singer Chad Kroeger decided to diss Slipknot’s Corey Taylor’s side project, Stone Sour, and, unsurprisingly, Taylor took some shots back in his recent interview with a radio station.
Kroeger called the band “Nickelback lite” and hurled insults at the Taylor in an interview with Metal Covenant after the interviewer suggested Stone Sour is as diverse as Nickelback. Kroeger begins his rant at 8:30 in the video below.
If by “diverse” Kroeger means “able to cause a variety of ailments,” then he hit the nail on the head. Slipknot made our list of The 13 Scariest Bands of All Time for being actually terrifying; Nickelback makes our theoretical list of bands that scare us with how awful they are. In his interview, Taylor tells Kroeger to “curl up in a bed with [his] Hello Kitty pillow and shut up.”
If you’re lost at that reference, let us remind you of something that probably took you years to forget; Kroeger helped pen his then-wife Avril Lavigne’s song “Hello Kitty,” which has iconic lines like, “Let’s all slumber party like a fat kid on a pack of Smarties,” and, “Someone chuck a cupcake at me.” If we had any respect left for Chad Kroeger (we did not), his involvement in this offensive disaster song pushed it out the window. The song actually reached number 75 on the Billboard Hot 100 because of its video, which you can watch below at your own risk.
Although Taylor isn’t our favorite rocker, but we’re pretty sure he would never take part in anything like that, so we’re going to have to side with him in this lead singer battle. Watch the entire Taylor interview below.