Watch The Shoe’s Video Premiere for “Dead Rabbit Hopes”
Actress Jena Malone (Donnie Darko, The Hunger Games, Into the Wild) and bandmate Len Jay Ignacio make up the indie outfit The Shoe. Their previously released single, “Dead Rabbit Hopes” made its slightly Not Safe For Work video premiere today (Malone appears almost completely nude throughout), and features her in dreamy scenes with a flower-covered body. “Dead Rabbit Hopes” was directed by Alia Penner and shows the human body as Malone wanted:
I wanted to talk about a woman’s beauty and sexuality in a way that felt very different from our highly manipulated and sexualized world. I actually wanted to desexualize my own naked body while upholding its own perfect eternal grace. I didn’t want it to be about lingerie or booty shorts. I wanted it to be about the work of art that you are born with.
The Los Angeles-based band’s debut album I’m Okay will be released on June 3 via Community Music and There Was an Old Woman Records. Watch the video above.