Torres Shares Her Stripped-Down, Relationship-Saving New Single, “Gracious Day”
Photo by Michael Lavine
Torres, aka Mackenzie Scott, is making her Merge debut with Silver Tongue, out Jan. 31, 2020. We got a first taste with lead single and album opener “Good Scare,” which took up the uncertain early days of love, back in October. The story continues with the happy ending of “Gracious Day,” a new single that builds off a barebones demo released on Bandcamp last year.
Scott typically radiates a fierce independence, and her music as Torres has become increasingly more intricate. Here, she’s remarkably stripped-down and unapologetically saccharine as she confesses her undying love for her partner. She seems to have a silver tongue, indeed, considering “Gracious Day” pulled her relationship back from the abyss.
“My girlfriend was trying to leave me,” explains Scott in a statement. “I basically wrote this song for her from the valley of the shadow of death, desperate that she might give me another chance—it worked. I felt like Ebenezer Scrooge after he wakes up on Christmas morning.”
Listen to “Gracious Day” below, along with a 2014 performance of “New Skin” from the Paste archives.