Square Enix Pledges to Fix Botched PC Port of Chrono Trigger
Image via Square Enix
It appears that Square Enix is taking the heavy criticism accompanying their surprise PC release of Chrono Trigger to heart. In response to complaints surrounding the shoddy port, the company announced Tuesday that they will begin the process of fixing the game through multiple updates beginning later this month.
“We have been working on addressing the issues that you’ve raised, and will be releasing a number of patches over the coming months as we continue to support CHRONO TRIGGER on Steam,” reads the company’s statement, released on the game’s Steam page.
The surprise release of the beloved JRPG back in February garnered plenty of excitement—that is, until players got their hands on the game and quickly realized it was merely a lazy port of the mobile version of the game, which itself was a port of the DS version. More infuriating was the lack of graphical updates, optimization of the UI and the inclusions of remnants of the mobile version’s touch-based controls.
The first update will restore the game to its original graphical fidelity, allowing players to switch between the original graphics and the “current high-resolution graphics” that many found disappointing. It basically amounts to the removal of some blurring, blotchy sprite filters, but it’s definitely a start.