Check Out the Impressive Footage from the Canceled Halo Mega Bloks Game

Check Out the Impressive Footage from the Canceled Halo Mega Bloks Game

Thanks to a new video from PtoPOnline, it’s been revealed there was once to be a Mega Bloks Halo game for the Xbox 360, though the project has been long since canceled.

Developed at now-closed-down studio N-Space, codename “Haggar” both began production and met its end in 2013. The game ran on Unreal Engine 3, and as the leaked video shows, an entire level was completed as a playable “vertical slice.”

The game approaches classic first-person Halo gameplay from a third-person perspective and centers around mid-combat block building mechanics, similar to those found in the popular Lego games. It features familiar weapons, vehicles, enemies and sound effects, all lifted from the Halo franchise’s main titles. In the video, Preserving Gaming History host Andrew Borman says there was an in-development co-op mode as well as a Horde-like (or Firefight-like, since we’re talking Halo) “Besieged” mode.

Borman speculates that the game’s cancellation was related to Microsoft having been in transition between the Xbox 360 and Xbox One at the time. Recently, 343 Industries head Bonnie Ross told Fast Company the studio has been getting requests to make games that cater more to younger players, so perhaps we’ve not seen the last of kid-friendly Halo titles.

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