Lúcioball is Overwatch‘s New, Rocket League-Inspired Mode

Today Blizzard began Overwatch’s Olympics-themed events, with new cosmetic items and now a brand new mode: Lúcioball. This mode sees has everyone play as Lúcio in a huge domed football stadium in Rio de Janeiro trying to score a large soccer ball in the opponent’s goal. Since Lúcio is from Brazil, the host country of this Summer’s Olympic Games, this all seems very appropriate to theme around him.

Lúcioball will be playable for the next three weeks. On the Playstation Blog, Blizzard writes:

Understanding how Lúcio’s abilities affect the ball is the key to mastering Lúcioball. For this brawl, his primary fire has been replaced with a melee attack, allowing Lúcio to punch the ball — perfect for dribbling, passing, and shooting from short range. When you need to launch the ball across the map, Lúcio’s secondary attack emits a blast of sound that gets the job done nicely.

For the next three weeks, every loot box players earn or buy will have at least one of the new cosmetic items. These loot boxes cannot be purchased with in-game credits and afterwards, players will no longer be able to acquire the Olympics items. These were hinted at earlier, when a Twitch streamer received an Overwatch package from Blizzard containing promotional materials.

Blizzard also wrote that “This is our very first seasonal event, but there are more on the horizon.” We look forward to seeing what other new events Blizzard hosts. Watch the reveal trailer below.

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