Rock Band 4 Getting Archer, Mass Effect Content Tomorrow

Rock Band 4 Getting Archer, Mass Effect Content Tomorrow

Strangely enough, tomorrow Rock Band 4 will be receiving themed add-ons in the style of both FXX’s Archer and EA’s Mass Effect.

Usually when this type of stuff happens, the crossed-over properties share a publisher or … at least have something in common, you know? According to today’s Playstation.Blog, as soon as Harmonix knew that Kenny Loggins’ “Danger Zone” DLC was coming to the game, they had to add that song’s biggest fan, Sterling Archer, as a character option.

And while we may not be sure why such pretty Mass Effect add-ons would find their way to Rock Band, here are the images of said content, as tweeted out yesterday by the latter game’s Twitter:

Who could have known the Normandy would make for such an awesome-looking bass? Again, the update rolls out tomorrow, but if you’re dying to see Archer lip-sync to Kenny Loggins, you can check that out below now. If only these vocals actually belonged to H. Jon Benjamin …

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