World of Warcraft Classic Release Date Announced, Closed Beta Begins Today
Image via Blizzard Entertainment
It looks like the wait for details on Blizzard’s World of Warcraft Classic is finally over. The developer announced late Tuesday that the game would launch worldwide on Aug. 27 of this year, and a closed beta for a few currently subscribed WoW accounts will roll out today, May 15.
World of Warcraft Classic will take players all the way back to the early days of the legendary MMO—the 2004 version, to be exact. Subscribers will be able to experience the “vanilla” version of Azeroth and bask in the nostalgia of the game’s good ol’ days (minus the dial-up).
In terms of the beta, Blizzard won’t be going the route of aimlessly sending out invites to randomly lucky players—instead, WoW subscribers who meet certain (unspecified) criteria will be selected to participate in the limited closed test. Though the criteria isn’t explicitly detailed, Blizzard has stated that it will consider “factors such as how long a player has been subscribed to the game so that we have the right mix of players to ensure great feedback toward making WoW Classic the very best experience for the community.”
In addition to the beta, Blizzard will also be opening up multiple stress test periods that players may have the option to opt into. While opting in won’t guarantee an invite to play, it sure will improve your chances of getting selected.
Character creation for World of Warcraft Classic will also be getting and early release on Aug. 13, so if you already have a character in mind, you’ll be able to go in and claim it before the worldwide server opens up.
Full details, including dates and other specifics regarding the beta and stress tests, can be found on Blizzard’s website in the meantime.
World of Warcraft Classic will launch as a free expansion for base game subscribers on Aug. 27.
Revisit Blizzard’s original World of Warcraft Classic announcement video below.