Coach Party Release “Born Leader”

Music News Coach Party
Coach Party Release “Born Leader”

Isle of Wight foursome Coach Party have released the latest offering from their forthcoming debut LP Killjoy, a hazily energetic love plea. “Born Leader” traces the outlines of the star’s dilemma, that ever-impossible balance between outward bravado and the deep-rooted insecurities which accompany losing your autonomy to others. The track is shoegazy and sparkly, reminiscent of the gilded rawness of Soccer Mommy’s recent work.

Killjoy, out September 8 via Chess Club Records, is the apex of three years’ worth of EPs and careful alchemical adjustments. The result is a rugged, glimmering collection of alt-rock excellence. The quartet possess the bright prolificacy of up-and-comers and the finesse of industry vets; the energetic, youthfully-peeved undertones which undergird the album are a thematic and sonic delight.

Check out the lyric video for “Born Leader” below.

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