Civilization VI Is Now Available on iPad

Civilization VI Is Now Available on iPad

Civilization VI is available to play on the iPad. Like, the entire full game. Developer Aspyr brought the entire experience of Firaxis’ strategy game to Apple’s device, and you can start the game for free (60 turns, to be exact).

After that, the game will be a full $60 to purchase—not a figure we usually see with mobile games. But from now until Jan. 4, a special deal will have this game half off for only a relatively measly $30. But the full price figure is still somewhat of a surprise, as this version does not include any of the DLC (including the newest expansion), with no confirmation when and if that content will arrive to the iPad. It has also yet to be confirmed whether or not the game will also come to Android platforms.

Some observations of this version will reveal that leader screens are not animated, and the strategic view mode is not included—other than that, it’s Civ 6 as you know it. See it for yourself in the trailer below.

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