The Legend of Zelda Gets Gorgeous, Studio Ghibli-Inspired Fan Trailer

The Legend of Zelda Gets Gorgeous, Studio Ghibli-Inspired Fan Trailer

The Legend of Zelda has had a rocky history with hand-drawn animation, but this fan-made trailer inspired by the geniuses over at Studio Ghibli is enough to wipe all those fears away. The Matt Vince-animated trailer mostly shows off some iconic locations and landscapes from the Zelda games, but it’s enough to know that this is a movie we need to see happen.

Though Vince notes in the video description that he is “not attempting to develop an actual movie,” that might not be too farfetched. Nintendo is apparently interested in getting into the movie-making game, with a Detective Pikachu movie planned as their first project. Also, Studio Ghibli is no stranger to the world of videogames: they did the character and environment art for the RPG series Ni No Kuni.

So, hey Nintendo, cough up some cash and make an awesome Legend of Zelda anime already. You can watch Vince’s The Legend of Zelda: An Animated Motion Picture trailer, set to a plaintive piano piece by Kyle Landry, above, and check out Vince’s accompanying Studio Ghibli-style poster designs on his Tumblr here.

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