This Fan-Made Clip Proves an Anime Stranger Things Would Be Awesome

This Fan-Made Clip Proves an Anime Stranger Things Would Be Awesome

For sci-fi nerds, horror buffs and general fans of ‘80s nostalgia, Netflix’s Stranger Things has been something of a godsend. We don’t need to tell you season three has been a rousing success for the streaming service—we already have. A new fan-made video has us wondering if perhaps the series should be courting a new market, as well: anime fanatics.

Animation studio Humouring The Fates whipped up an anime-style clip sure to get Stranger Things viewers frothing. The unofficial short cycles through many of the show’s highlights from seasons one and two. It’s a surprisingly effective work; Joyce and her Christmas lights, Will barfing up slugs and El’s psychokinetic powers are all there. If you’re not pining for a legitimate animated series by the end, can you even call yourself a Stranger Things fan?

Watch the video below and read our review of Stranger Things 3 here.

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