ComiXology Announces Fair Trade, a New Limited Series from Tini Howard & Eryk Donovan

ComiXology Announces Fair Trade, a New Limited Series from Tini Howard & Eryk Donovan

In a THR exclusive Thursday, ComiXology announced Fair Trade, a new series for its ComiXology Originals imprint. The fantasy series will be written by Tini Howard and drawn by Eryk Donovan. Howard is coming off popular runs on Assassinistas and Euthanauts, and is a previous contributor right here at Paste. Donovan, meanwhile, has made a name for himself with the Black Mask series Quantum Teens Are Go.

Fair Trade’s concept is just as provocative as any of this team’s previous work. The five-issue limited series, described as “a book for magical girls-gone-bad,” will explore inspiration: Margot, the book’s main character, gives away her ideas, which others take as their own creativity. In the world of Fair Trade, ideas are money, and the Moonfly Mafia, a group of Muses, isn’t happy about Margot stepping onto their turf.

Talking with THR, Donovan describes their series as an intermingling of “the fantastical and the real world,” adding, “it’s sexy, very cool, and definitely mysterious.” Look for Fair Trade exclusively on ComiXology next spring and check out the first cover below.


Fair Trade #1 Cover Art by Eryk Donovan

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