Wes Anderson’s Movies Depicted as Animated GIF Posters
In the future, images will become less static and more like the lively newspaper photos from the Harry Potter world. The first step towards making this happen is everyone’s favorite medium for sharing cat shenanigans: the animated GIF. We saw some animated GIF posters floating around the internet and loved them so much, we decided to apply the same treatment to one of our favorite directors, Wes Anderson. Below are each of his films in chronological order, as animated posters. Which movie would you like to see as a GIF? Tell us below!
Rushmore, 1998
The Royal Tenenbaums, 2001
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, 2004
The Darjeeling Limited, 2007
Fantastic Mr. Fox, 2009
Moonrise Kingdom, 2012
The Grand Budapest Hotel, 2014
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