Final Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer Gives First Look at The Vision

Final Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer Gives First Look at The Vision

The third and final trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron is out and it’s teasing without giving too much away. Right off, there’s a lot going on in this peek into the Mightiest Heroes’ second outing. We’re getting another look at the big Hulk vs. Hulkbuster fight. Our heroes seem to be getting a little too hotheaded and lashing out at each other—including a fight between Quicksilver and Captain America. But the real surprise comes at the end with our first real look at Paul Bettany’s super-powered android, The Vision.

Our newest hero is shown only briefly in a little snippet right at the end but the wait was well worth it. While audiences wait to see more of the high-charged capabilities of the synthesized being, they can watch Tony Stark admit his mistakes, Ultron tease the end of all humanity and the twin siblings Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch fitting comfortably into their new roles. Make sure to pay close attention to every last detail in the trailer above.

Avengers: Age of Ultron hits theaters on May 1.

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