Feed Your Feed!: 10 Financial Twitter Accounts Worth Following
Let’s face it: it’s a big, big Twitter-verse out there, filled with all the best and worst humanity has to offer. For many, the little blue bird and the service it represents are just further proof of the perversity of human nature—yes, even when restrained to 140 characters or less, people can be somehow spew novel’s worth of ignorance and pettiness. Yet amidst the cacophony and confusion, there persists plenty to love. Whether you’re a black belt-toting Twitter master, a dabbler in the social media substrate, or a neophyte looking for someone (or something) to follow, here are a few feeds of note for all you market watchers, day traders and money minders out there.
Start-up tip: Always have a second name for your Fund in case you get in trouble with the law.
— Matt Brice (@TheSovaGroup) March 14, 2014
1. Matt Brice – @TheSovaGroup
Twitter Bio: None!
Followers: 103
Need for Feed: Easily the lowest-profile, least-followed entry on this or any previous Feed Your Feed! list, Brice’s account is nonetheless filled with interesting insights, links, quotes and retweets—and an occasionally detectable, understated wryness.
US Bank #StressTests: Too blunt. Cross-holdings contagion risk missed. Full Stop. [Dividend & buyback capacity more revealing]
— Gemma Godfrey (@GCGodfrey) March 20, 2014
2. Gemma Godfrey – @GCGodfrey
Twitter Bio: Voted the Most Popular Businesswoman on Twitter & Commentator of the Year. Head of Investment Strategy; Board Director; TV Broadcaster; Quantum Physicist; Mum.
Followers: 50.7K
Need for Feed: Trained as a physicist, Godfrey is the Head of Investment Strategy at Brooks Macdonald (which manages more than $5 billion), and cohost of several shows on CNBC. She’s also a savvy and active social media user in an industry that can be a bit stodgy. Her active feed is filled with her perspective on anything and everything affecting the world’s financial markets, including vines for those desiring some “in person” 6-second insights from Godfrey. As a female leader in a male-dominated field, she makes for a pretty inspiring role model for young women interested in finance (or science).
Wife asked me what time I’m coming home after drinks tonight. Told her I’m moving to qualitative forward guidance.
— Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) March 20, 2014
3. Downtown Josh Brown – @ReformedBroker
Twitter Bio: Chairman of the Twitter Federal Reserve
Followers: 71.7K
Need for Feed: A regular contributor to a host of publications and broadcasts, Brown is a financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management. His feed is filled with amusing commentary and thought-provoking analysis.
The Coffee ETF 24JO&src=ctag”>$JO (awesome ticker btw) soared 88 in six weeks, has now given back 18% in the last week. This won’t end well.
— Eddy Elfenbein (@EddyElfenbein) March 20, 2014
4. Eddy Elfenbein – @EddyElfenbein
Twitter Bio: Aesthete, raconteur, impresario, bon vivant, cognoscente, recusant, enfant terrible
Followers: 15.1K
Need for Feed: The editor of the Crossing Wall Street blog, Elfenbein’s buy list has outperformed the S&P 500 seven years running. His feed provides cogent, continuous insight on all things stocks.
The only interesting part of the WSJ piece on the urban/rural political divide is this chart: http://t.co/kugmQv7Xho
— Conor Sen (@conorsen) March 21, 2014
5. Conor Sen – @conorsen
Twitter Bio: Demographics and data junkie. Finance/politics. Atlanta/urban planning and development.
Followers: 8,644
Need for Feed: So much financial news is driven by (an overreaction to?) stats and figures. One of the preeminent stat guys on the web, let Sen’s own “data habit” feed yours.
— barnejek (@barnejek) March 21, 2014
6. barnejek – @barnejek
Twitter Bio: You gotta be first or right. If you’re both then that’s lucky.
Followers: 4,510
Need for Feed: Your man for emerging markets. (His blog makes some good supplemental reading on the topic.)
The Cookie Monster Knows More About Willpower Than You http://t.co/JJeaNZWb9v
— Shane Parrish (@farnamstreet) March 4, 2014
7. Shane Parrish – @farnamstreet
Twitter Bio: If you don’t know how to think, you’ll always be a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.
Followers: 21K
Need for Feed: Parrish’s feed is largely a stream of links to his popular blog, Farnam Street, a must-read for anyone interesting in the psychology behind effective (and ineffective) decision-making, be it financial or otherwise.
One thing you learn early about data is it can be easily manipulated. It’s never neutral. Key is who is doing the interpreting. #HiHoSilver
— Francine McKenna (@retheauditors) March 21, 2014
8. Francine McKenna – @retheauditors
Twitter Bio: Using tools instead of tools using me. Journalist/Speaker/CPA. Encantada de todo de America Latina. Two-time Loeb Award finalist. Forbes magazine contributor.
Followers: 14.1K
Need for Feed: A freelance journalist and frequent contributor to Forbes, McKenna’s feed (and blog) focuses on those who are so often the watchmen for the large financial institutions that swim the global markets. One of the best forensic accounting feeds around.
The rise of the cult of the CEO http://t.co/VZLU08BbVgpic.twitter.com/1bR8TL6Yg3
— Counterparties (@counterparties) March 21, 2014
9. Counterparties – @counterparties
Twitter Bio: Counterparties is a curated snapshot of the best finance news and commentary. Edited by @FelixSalmon and @McCarthyRyanj
Followers: 8,377
Need for Feed: The blog from which this feed springs identifies itself as, in part, an attempt to answer the question: “What would a news website look like if it didn’t need to promote its own content, and just linked to the best stories and posts, regardless of source?” The answer (which applies to blog and Twitter account alike)? It looks like a very useful source of the big and medium pictures on finances and financial markets.
.@fastFT: Nike a reminder that a strong dollar is double-edged http://t.co/aRBdsSUawx
— Financial Times (@FinancialTimes) March 21, 2014
10. The Financial Times – @FinancialTimes
Twitter Bio: Headlines from the FT. Follow us on @ft for news stories, features and updates.
Followers: 1.85M
Need for Feed: The headlines feed from this British daily tends to contain fewer empty calories than @FT. Along with The Wall Street Journal feed, a good “big guy” feed to go with some of the smaller voices on this list.
There you have it—a drop from an ocean (or at least a sizable lake) of good Twitter feeds for the financially inclined. How about you, Paste readers … what are some other good Twitter feeds for people who love to see news on finances (ordered and disordered)?