General John Kelly Has Quite a Mess to Clean Up, Says Seth Meyers
Image via NBC/YouTube
General John Kelly might not be the kind of guy you’d want to party with, but according to recent reports, he’s the only person capable of making Donald Trump act like a grown-up. The newly installed White House Chief of Staff is going to need all the influence he can get: He has a mountain of dysfunction to deal with, as Seth Meyers pointed out in his signature “A Closer Look” segment last night.
Trump’s childlike understanding of his job would be adorable if it wasn’t so disturbing, and Meyers’ thorough unpacking of the White House’s utter disarray is an accomplishment if only because he’s able to get through it without crying or screaming at a stranger. Meyers makes one thing crystal clear: Kelly has his work cut out for him.
Watch the shorter-than-usual segment above, and give thanks that you are not General John Kelly—unless you are, in which case you should stop reading this and get to work.