Samantha Bee Recaps the VP Debate, Disapproves of Everything

Samantha Bee Recaps the VP Debate, Disapproves of Everything

The vice presidential debate left at least one person extremely unsatisfied. Sam Bee went on a tirade against both VP candidates on Full Frontal Wednesday night, calling Donald Trump’s running mate Mike Pence “a man who tried as hard as he could to turn Indiana into a Handmaid’s Tale-themed theme park,” while Hillary Clinton’s running mate Tim Kaine “looks like he has his own line of frozen breakfast sausage.”

The VP debate held Tuesday night saw these running mates go toe-to-toe, at least when they weren’t talking over each other. As Bee pointed out, Kaine in particular had some problems with interrupting. “Sadly, Kaine let the bright lights of the big boy stage get the best of him,” said Bee, “and spent the evening barking like an overeager puppy who had been given one too many treats for his speak trick.”

As for Pence, Bee wasn’t exactly charmed by him, either. “Pence showed himself to be an able running mate, in the sense of running away from everything Trump has ever said,” Bee said.

Bee then pointed out that Pence contradicted pretty much everything Trump has been touting for more than a year on the campaign trail. He proved himself to be calm, but that really doesn’t seem all that useful considering his running mate. “Of course, caring about the vice president’s calm temperament when an erratic quasar is at the top of the ticket is kind of like asking a car salesman about the airbags on a car that is currently on fire,” Bee pointed out.

Bee wasn’t happy with either candidate, which is certainly a fair position. This election has been full of frustrating events like this, but at least it’s almost over—one more month until we can finally start talking about 2020. Check out the full clip above.

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